


synthesis of arts, intermediality, musical effect, melody, increase, decrease, additional meanings.


The article is devoted to the intermedia analysis of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s artistic work, aimed at identifying elements of musical art related to literature. There are many examples of musical presence in the author’s prose. His characters are not professional musicians, composers or singers, but simple talented people. They have no musical education, so sometimes they do not know how they manage to touch the souls of recipients with their melodies. It would be wrong, however, to claim that Vynnychenko’s prose, especially naturalistic works, are thoroughly musical. These are only isolated cases. But about the cases where the main characters can hear and feel the music, skillfully play, sing, compose songs. The musical effect in the work is manifested due to the presence of strong auditory images. They are formed by the accumulation in the text of a large number of verbs, which in the mind of the reader evoke sound associations. Most of the “music” in Vynnychenko’s descriptions of nature. In many landscape sketches there is an associative resemblance to the melody. Sounds are often repeated, rising and falling like music. Of course, we are not talking about exact musical copying, the main thing is that in the story you can hear a kind of increase, culmination and decline with further calm. We often see the presence of so-called “verbal music” in Vynnychenko’s short prose. Descriptions of musical works and impressions from them by means of fiction are meant. By choosing various forms for the representation of musical “interspersed” in the outline of his literary texts, Vynnychenko shows which associative series build the melodies heard in the souls of the heroes. Sometimes the impressions of the music are so strong that they can destroy the logic of the plot lines of the work. People’s consciousness comes to life, hardened souls soften, frozen thoughts begin to move. Literary-musical correlations show how it is possible to enrich the pictorial and expressive possibilities of language. “Musical background” significantly affects the artistic space in the text and the specifics of character creation, helps the author to represent his own worldview.


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